EMFs are Electro Magnetic Frequencies. They are invisible to us, yet we are saturated by them anywhere we go. EMF-free or low EMF spaces are hard to find, but it’s doable. 5G, 4G, 3G, LTE, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, microwaves, mobile base stations (cell…
The truth is EMFs are impossible to avoid completely. But they can be reduced. Thus, a safer “low EMF” home, work, or school can be found with some research and proper tools. Generally, the further you are from mobile base stations aka cell phone…
We Surveyed Honolulu for EMFs We measured Honolulu area for EMF radiation in the VHF-RF range to find EMF free zones, determine background levels, and locate worst sources of EMF electrosmog pollution in Hawaii. Why? Simply because EMFs (especially in the high frequency range…
EMFs are dangerous to health EMFs (Electro Magnetic Frequencies) including 5G are invisible, untouchable, and virtually undetectable, but they pose significant health risks to humans and other living beings according to many leading health experts of today and numerous scientific studies throughout the years….