Posted on December 15, 2019 by P. S. Yushin
GMO food (updated Feb. 1, 2020) remains unlabeled in the US despite consumers wanting to know (and having the right to know) what they are eating and drinking. Some US companies started voluntarily disclosing that their food products are made using genetic engineering, yet they…
Posted on May 10, 2017 by P. S. Yushin
GMO potatoes: the latest. As of May, 2017 there are at least 9 approved varieties of genetically engineered potatoes in the US. The GMO potato made it to #4 (out of 15) on our updated list of GMO foods. The potato is a major staple in the…
Posted on April 29, 2017 by P. S. Yushin
Recently Hawaii experienced it’s worst honey bee die-off since the survey began seven years ago. It’s estimated that a total of 38% of Hawaii honey bee colonies collapsed according to the latest 2015-2016 annual survey by the Bee Informed Partnership. California honeybee loss was at almost 40%….
Category: Community, Farms, Featured, Food, Health, Lifestyle, News, Photos, Take Action Tags: ai, alert, aluminum, bees, change, community, drones, farm, food, geoengineering, hawaii, Health, herbicide, history, honeybees, issues, lifestyle, natural, news, organic, poison, robots, science, social, toxic
Posted on August 11, 2016 by P. S. Yushin
Canoe Plant Festival Celebrates National Farm-to-School Month KALIHIWAI – On October 16th, 2016 Malama Kauai will host a Canoe Plant Festival gathering to celebrate National Farm-to-School Month and the fall harvest at their Community Farm in Kalihiwai Ridge from 10am to 5pm. A wide…
Posted on May 20, 2016 by P. S. Yushin
Recently Hawaii became the first state in the US to pass legislation providing tax breaks for local farmers to offset the cost of getting certified organic! This bill would allocate up to $50,000 to each qualifying farm operation to cover such expenses as organic certification costs…
Posted on January 10, 2016 by Organic Herbalist
The latest national survey of U.S. beekeepers across all states concluded that on average there was a 42.1% loss of honeybees in their colonies in the U.S. The length of survey was one year and it was conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership from…
Category: Community, Farms, Featured, Food, Health, Lifestyle, Locations Tags: Bayer, bees, CCD, change, Colony Collapse Disorder, community, EPA, farm, farmers markets, farms, food, Gaucho, glyphosate, hawaii, Health, herbicide, history, honeybees, insecticide, insects, issues, lifestyle, location, map, Monarch butterfly, Monsanto, natural, news, organic, poison, social, study, toxic
Posted on August 10, 2015 by Organic Herbalist
Aloha Aina Unity March took place in Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii on August 9, 2015. It was a Sunday morning event, with lots of people and groups gathering on Saratoga Avenue. The march started at about 10:30am and went through the entire Waikiki strip. Around 10,000 participated….
Category: Community, Events, Farms, Featured, Food, Health, Honolulu, Lifestyle, Locations, Oahu, Photos Tags: action, Aloha Aina, change, community, Dow, event, events, family, farm, farms, food, gmo, hawaii, Health, herbicide, history, honolulu, HPD, issues, kids, law, leadership, lifestyle, location, Mauna Kea, Monsanto, natural, news, oahu, organic, peace, photos, poison, police, public, rights, social, Syngenta, TMT, toxic, unity
Posted on September 11, 2014 by Organic Herbalist
Mahatma Gandhi and International Day of Nonviolence GIIP invites you to celebrate the 145th birthday and Hawaii’s 9th Annual Celebration, of one of the world’s great leaders, Mahatma Gandhi. As a pioneer of Satyagraha, or resistance through vast non-violent civil disobedience, he became one…
Posted on August 31, 2014 by Organic Herbalist
Most people don’t realize that humanity used to eat only organic food and use only 100% organic products for at least 200,000 years! Anatomically modern humans homo sapiens sapiens (that’s us) have been in existence for around 200,000 years and for most of this…