Uhaloa (Waltheria indica) seeds


15-20 fresh organic Uhaloa (Waltheria indica) seeds grown and harvested in Hawaii. One of the most important medicinal plants of old Hawaii, which is now experiencing a revival in interest and use. Indigenous Hawaiian plant. Local pick up option available in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Uhaloa (Waltheria indica) seeds

“Uhaloa is a treasure of traditional medicine” – source: Honolulu Star Advertiser (Hawaii Newspaper)

Indeed, Uhaloa was one of the most popular and widely used medicinal plats in the days of the Kahuna in Old Hawaii. Easy to grow, as long as it gets plenty Sun, warm/hot weather, after all it’s a tropical/pan-tropical plant.

“The roots, leaves and flowers of W. indica (Uhaloa) are all used medicinally..” (Source: Wikipedia.org)